CLT Timber finishing.
CLT Timber finishing, CLT is available in different finishes. The content below is from the
CLT Timber finishing Non-visual quality (NVI)
Non-Visual CLT, is not normally left visible. Or though it could be, as it has a certain natural appeal.
Industry visual quality (IVI)
A more economical refined finish. Used for high ceilings where required for a more industrial feel.
Visual quality (VI)
Visual grade is commonly used in Homes public buildings, or schools. The highest quality surface for when CLT is featured as part of the interior design of the building.
Please note this link takes you to the Stora Enso website. Please scroll down until you find 3 videos on CLT surface qualities.
CLT is a beautiful building medium in every characteristic. It is advised to leave the CLT fully exposed where possible as CLT offers multiple benefits to health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that CLT classrooms offer a far superior learning environment over traditional spaces. The workplace CLT office also promotes a calming attitude and a more productive work rate.
A report prepared for Forest & Wood Products Australia* by Andrew Knox, Howard Parry-Husbands, Pollinate** February 2018.
Internationally and in Australia, there has been extensive research on the positive health and wellbeing impacts of spending time outside in nature. This research builds on the ‘biophilia hypothesis first popularised by Edward Wilson.
CLT Timber finishing & Biophilic design elements
Wilson argued that humans have an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life.
Biophilic design elements, such as natural light, plants, nature views and water features are increasingly used in the modern built environment.
This hypothesis has been extended to include exposure to wood in the built environment. As a natural material, wood provides a connection to nature and therefore improve physical and mental wellbeing. Internationally, studies have demonstrated this relationship in offices, schools and hospitals.